Admin Methods

vEPOCH contract admin methods

The methods on this page are only available to the DAO. These methods cannot be executed by non owners.


Setting an address as authorised will allow the address to transfer tokens.

Set Authorised

function setAuthorised(address _address, bool _newAuthorisationStatus) external onlyOwner;

Description: Allows the DAO to set (or unset) the authorised status of any address.


  • _address: The address to set the authorised status for

  • _newAuthorisationStatus: The new state for this address (true or false)

vEPOCH is by design a non-transferable token. However, future use cases may require the ability for specific contracts/addresses to transfer these tokens.

Tokens can only be transferred from user wallets provided the user has provided approval.

Example Use Case:

  • Citizens of Epoch Island decided to implement additional reward tokens for vEPOCH holders.

  • The current vEPOCH contract only supports EPOCH as a reward token

  • A new contract could be created to accept vEPOCH as the staking token to receive additional reward tokens

Set Authorised Locked

function setAuthorisedLocked() external onlyOwner;

Description: Allows the DAO to permanently lock the state of authorised addresses. Any addresses that are already authorised will remain authorized forever.

Inputs: none

Max Deposit Duration

Max Deposit is the longest period of time EPOCH-LP tokens can be locked to mint vEPOCH.

Set Max Deposit Duration Locked

function setMaxDepositDurationLocked() external onlyOwner;

Description: Allows the DAO to permanently lock the maximum deposit duration.

Set Max Deposit Duration

function setMaxDepositDuration(uint32 _newMaxDepositDuration) external onlyOwner;

Description: Allows the DAO to set the new maximum deposit duration.


  • _newMaxDepositDuration: The new maximum deposit duration in seconds.

Note: There is a hardcoded maximum of 10 years which means the input cannot exceed this.

Last updated