User Methods
ITO V1 contract user methods
Description: Allows anyone to create a position to supply tokens for sale
_downsideToken - Address of the only token that can be used to buy the upside tokens
_upsideToken - Address of the tokens that will be deposited for sale
_upsideTokenAmount - Total number of tokens that will be removed from supplier's wallet and deposited into ITO protocol to be supplied in this newly created position
_exchangeRate - How many upside tokens can be purchased for 1 downside token.
This value should be computed like so: ((upsideAmountWei / downsideAmountWei) * 10**18)
_startDate - Upside tokens can only be purchased on or after this timestamp
_endDate - Upside tokens can no longer be purchased, and untake() can no longer be called for this position, after this timestamp. All acquired downside tokens can be withdrawn by the supplier after this date.
_feeBp - The supply fee provided as a value between 0 and 4999. Example: 125 means 1.25% fee.
Note: A new positionId value will be created associated with this supply position.
Description: Allows suppliers to remove unused tokens from their position
_positionId - The ID of the position you want to remove from
_upsideTokenAmount - The number of upside tokens to remove from the position
_downsideTokenAmount - The number of downside tokens to remove from the position
The downside tokens cannot be withdrawn until the end date of the position has been reached
This can be used to only remove upside tokens or only remove downside tokens if providing a value of 0 for the amount of the other.
Description: Returns the exact token amounts taken as protocolFee and lpFee given a downside amount
_positionId - The ID of the position you want to remove from
_downsideTokenAmount - The number of downside tokens you want to calculate fees for
Description: Allows takers to take the supply of a position, partially or fully
_positionId - The ID of the position you want to interact with
_maxDownsideTokenIn - The maximum number of downside tokens you wish to provide to this position
_minUpsideTokenOut - The minimum number of upside tokens to receive before reverting. This can be set to 0 to always partial fill if necessary.
_maxProtocolFeeBp - The maximum protocol fee BP you wish to accept before reverting. This should typically be set to the current protocol fee.
Note: None of these params determine exchange rate. Exchange rate is set by supplier of position.
Description: Allows users to return upside tokens (even partially) for a specified number of downsideTokens
_positionId - The ID of the position you want to interact with
_downsideTokenAmount - The number of downside tokens to return
Note: Cannot be called once the position has ended
Description: Allows anyone to process protocol fees for a given token address
_tokenAddresses - List of the addresses of tokens to claim
_amounts - List of the number of tokens to claim
Note: Fees are sent to the protocolFeeRecipientAddress
Description: Allows user to claim position fees owed to them of multiple tokens (partial or full)
_tokenAddresses - List of the addresses of tokens to claim
_tokenAmounts - List of the number of tokens to claim
_recipient - The address where these claimed fees should be sent to
Last updated