Epoch Island DAO governance is controlled by vEPOCH holders with snapshot voting and oSnap integration into the Epoch DAO multisig.
Epoch DAO address: 0x6D78A40775e06D1037E855e52Ccb2Fb5762aD3Db
Snapshot proposals currently require:
30,000,000+ vEPOCH held by any address can create a new proposal
56,600,207 minimum vEPOCH votes to reach quorum
6 days voting period for all proposals
1 day dispute period with UMA oracle after voting period ends
Governance Levers
vEPOCH holders have control to vote on and manage the following:
Managing the Epoch DAO Treasury: 0x6D78A40775e06D1037E855e52Ccb2Fb5762aD3Db
transferring tokens from the Treasury to another address
EPOCH token contract: 0x97d0cfeb4fde54b430307c9482d6f79c761fe9b6 is an ERC20 token.
EPOCH-LP (80/20) contract: 0x82b8c7c6fb62d09cfd004309c1f353fb1a926edc is a weighted pool.
setSwapFeePercentage: currently set to 5%
vEPOCH contract: 0x731a2572b1cf56cfb804c74555715c8c8b5e980b
setAuthorised: which addresses are allowed to transfer vEPOCH tokens in case of new future contracts needing custom staking abilities
setAuthorisedLocked: permanently disable the above
setMaxDepositDuration: how long is the maximum duration EPOCH-LP tokens can be staked for, effectively setting the maximum vEPOCH mintable per LP token
setMaxDepositDurationLocked: permanently disable the above
ITO contract on multiple networks, using Mainnet contract for reference: 0x44de78eb54ee54c4151e62834d3b5a29005bde98
setProtocolFee: sets the fee that takers pay for all positions future interactions
Elders contract: 0xe1de7e2b7fd67f540878902f5e406705947a642f
Last updated